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Recs and Honest Reviews: My Favorite TV Shows and Books


I love when a trusted source can share a few good recs. I’m not a huge tv watcher or reader, but there is no doubt that I am 10000% OBSESSED with each suggestion I am about to share! I’m def gonna punch myself later for forgetting to include something or other but I am about to make your netflix and HBO watchlist and amazon carts go wilddddd.


The OC

  • Show of my current obsession: 4 seasons on HBO. You will truly live out your So Cal early 2000s dreams. The show inspired a completely new wardrobe (I am now a thrift fanatic) and personality shift within me (I am a self proclaimed Summer… you’ll understand once you watch) within the first few weeks of watching. The plot (meaning the hot male leads) totally pulls you in and it really is just the most stellar teen soap. Next I am going to try One Tree Hill, which has a similar energy to The OC.

Old Gossip Girl

  • Emphasis on old. I LOVE LOVE LOVE old gossip girl. For anyone of my younger followers who hasn’t watched this show, your eyes will be blessed by Nate, you will instantly fall into envy of the looks and ease of Serena’s character, and aspire to carry as much confidence and prestige as Blaire. Old gossip girl is a rare example of how completely unrelateable, rich and obnoxious characters can somehow connect with you through the screen so effortlessly. The gossip girl references and culture will surely outlast our generation. The new gossip girl reboot could never. A must watch!

Carrie Diaries

  • An instagram explore page video of a makeout scene from this show enticed me into trying out Carrie Diaries which would turn into the show of my 8th grade year. The charmingly confident and sweet lead in Carrie Diaries will evoke a sense of excitement within you. Carrie inspires you to chase your boss girl dreams and the show serves as a reminder to really sink into the years of high school. There are strong ties to Sex In The City and a fun emphasis on fashion throughout the series as a main plot line is Carrier’s internship at a fashion magazine.

New Girl

  • New Girl is my go to ‘I am bored, I need a laugh show’. I’ve watched New Girl with my younger cousin, guy friends, and parents (all on separate occasions but none short of providing a little awkwardness but a good laugh). You can really pick up anywhere and fall in love with each of the characters. In my personal opinion, there’s nothing strikingly unique about the show but I think it’s definitely funnier than the office (don’t attack me).

Gilmore Girls

  • I’m going to jump on the bandwagon and say that Gilmore Girls is boring and doesn’t keep you on your toes. With that said…. I love it. It makes life feel simple and nice. I relate to the studious and innocent Rori in many ways. I started watching the show with my mom and now I've made it through a few seasons (not till the end yet) on my own. I feel like every teen girl needs to watch Gilmore Girls: it’s a right of passage. It very much serves background noise while I’m doing homework, but not bad… just not AMAZING.


  • AH I will always love glee. I had that post just finished a show depression after my last episode of glee. With the extensive character development, anyone can relate to at least one of the show’s stars. The episode plot lines based on glee club themes for the week will strike a chord in your heart and I just know that you will fall in love with this show.


  • This show was a covid watch for me… The euphoria makeup, soundtracks, and scenes would go viral online and I had heard such crazy things about it… plus Zendaya is the lead so that’s just a must watch. It’s definitely too mature for some of my younger readers but if a page turner could be applied to a show, it would be Euphoria.

White Lotus

  • Interesting plot lines but an oddly peculiar show. With only 6 episodes, there’s not enough time to get fully invested but maybe that’s a good thing. The bend and snap nail lady from Legally Blonde has a role, so does Sydney Sweeney from Euphoria, and the female lead from the Percy Jackson movies. There’s a cool commentary on our current social and political landscape… moments of relatability but mostly just entertaining in a strange way.

Outer banks, All American, Ginny and Georgia: Major covid watches. Basically it’s 2021, get with the program.


I just know that more books are going to come to me later that I forgot to add but for now, I’ll share with you a few of my favorites.

Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid

  • This was my read of the summer. When I was at camp, it reminded me of home as I sat in front of my bunk longing to surf and be back on the California coast. Malibu Rising is an easy read that bridges a deeper and more melancholy plot line with a soft eloquence that undoubtedly manages to make anyone want to visit Malibu one day. The book plays into the stereotypes of Los Angeles glamour and allure. Malibu, although breathtakingly beautiful, is a tad over exaggerated and hyped up in the book.

Girls and Sex by Peggy Orenstein

  • While I haven’t finished reading it yet, I pick up this book off my side table before going to bed from time to time. While it doesn’t necessarily follow a plot line, the book covers the realties of being a teen today and how the modern understanding and norms of sex have shifted. Reading the book is an eye opener to the truly over sexualized and sexist world we live in yet it almost relieves me of some unacknowledged stresses I have felt regarding the issues discussed. I think the book is very informative and dynamic in the sense that the reader is exposed to many perspectives from girls of different ages, sexualities, home towns, and experience levels. I highly recommend that anyone who loves Dear Monday read this book. There is also a ‘Boys And Sex’ that I think any guy friends or boy sibling should read.

That’s What Frenemies Are For by Sophie Littlefeild

  • Even the title is slightly cringy but this was totally my ‘oooo I’m actually excited to read’ type of book. The book gives off a Gossip Girl energy of just bougie NYC/Hampton rich mom culture (@Tinx) that I find so amusing. The book follows a social climbing mom and her endeavors to transform this Soul Cycle instructor into the next big thing. It’s nothing academic or informative, just a fun guilty pleasure sort of read.

Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

  • I read this book a few years ago but it instantly came to mind as a book you all must read. The book is so relatable in the whole feeling like an outsider way and dives into some pretty heavy topics. Watch the movie on Netflix after too. I think you’re really gonna like it.

The goal of this post was for you to learn a little bit more about me personally and what types of media and content excite me… hope you enjoyed! Proud of you as always! You’re doing amazing and thank god Monday’s over.

We got this,




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