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Ask Sophia: "I like the popular boy"


Q: I really like this guy and I want to start talking to him, but he’s one of the popular kids and his friends are kinda intimidating. What should I do?

A: Of course you know I got the Instagram polls in on this one because I was curious what the Dear Monday fam thought about liking the popular boy. The consensus was a simple “don’t” but I understand that it's difficult to just not like someone, so I thought I'd offer my own opinion. Let’s first decipher what makes this kid popular? Is he funny? Athletic? Smart? Cute? Are these key traits going to sustain his popularity is it a fleeting 'popularity'? In my experience with the ‘popular boy’, they peter out. This boy will not be popular forever. The puny little nothing 8th grader who had cool shoes and his growth spurt half a year early is the same guy, just a year or two later, who is now under the radar. The bad news is that you’re going to have to wait it out… for his hype to cool down, for him to narrow his group of friends, make his way through the boring, plastic girls and finally be ready for a girl like you. Let him bask in the glory of being a middle school ‘peaker’ who thinks owning enough Supreme is a personality trait and give yourself some room to hangout with different guys. My biggest piece of advice is of course be yourself always but I BEG YOU: don’t prank call, ‘accidentally’ snap chat, or take any other chances that will give a bad impression of who you really are on the inside. If it’s natural, befriend some of his buddies in a causal way. Also I am the QUEEN of liking someone I don’t even know, like being in love with a guy from a distance. Let’s be real here, you’re fantasizing about how perfect he might be when he’s going to be awkward or musty when you actually get to know him. This could just be a me thing, but I feel like the best guys are the ones who aren’t obsessed with themselves and the clout. Realistically, does he possess those key, mensch type qualities you're looking for long term? Final tips: this kid is used to a lot of attention so don’t be a suck up or mute. Tease him in that sarcastic mean way… he needs someone to challenge his ego. If he acts different with you alone but then ignores you in public then run!

Love y'all!

We got this,


9 comentários

i talk to much 🤘🥵🤘
i talk to much 🤘🥵🤘
28 de mai. de 2021

girl i feel u !!! 😪 he was in my clas last year and i had a crush on him after summer i was like ye i dont like him anymore 😛FALSE i came to school saw him and BOOM i liked him i was like shit bc were still in the same class the weird thing is i sat next to him last year AND this year i sat next to him again 😤 now i thought like ok whatever he doesnt like me but last year we talked and stuf (as friends) 🙄 but i told my friends that i wasnt sure if we are friends and that same day when i was walking into class he stands…


Gulzaidat Duisenbaeva
Gulzaidat Duisenbaeva
05 de abr. de 2021

screw him.


D <3
05 de abr. de 2021

Its really hard to know if a guy likes you or not. I'm literally talking this guy which I really like but I don't know if he feel the same way or not. Some of guys will say tell him how you feel i mean i would but the thing is he ever had a girlfriend before. So I don't want to rush things you feel me? I just don't know what to do? Any advice :)

06 de abr. de 2021
Respondendo a

Well in order for me to give my opinion in full, is there certain things that he does that may make you feel if he likes you back? You don't have to go into detail but this would really help:)



h <3
02 de abr. de 2021

but he’s going to mov, what do I do, all his friends hate me

05 de abr. de 2021
Respondendo a

honestly if he’s going to move, that’s life. I recommend just letting it happen, everyhting happens for a reason. You like someone and then you don’t that’s just what happens. You might take a long time to move on but 🤷

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